Our Product & Services

Procurement and System Maintenance

  • IT Procurement Service and Communication i.e : computer, networks and other supporting hard/software
  • IT Maintenance and communication for network and security system to optimize the benefit utilization of the components/hardware
  • Partner of several famous
  • IT Principal in overseas, i.e: Exadata-Oracle, Secusmart-Germany, Analytical Business Solution-Moscow

Installation, Commissioning, Integration Device & Software Services

  • Design and Developing Solution based on customer requirements
  • Hardware Installation, Commissioning/Testing and Integration Services
  • Software Loading, Testing and Customizing Services
  • Optimizing and Enhancement/Tuning of Hardware and Software Performances.

IT Project Management & Support Service

Competency and capabilities include:

  • IT Project Management
  • Operation and Maintenance Support Services (24×7)

Information Management and Security System

  • The application which provide best solution in information management maintenance system and it is dedicated to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of company or government institution perfomance.
  • This application include human resource information system/employee management information, finance information system, etc.

Enterprise Server / Portal

  • Internet based application which is implemented as a media communication for company / government in delivering information to public.
  • Built of portal information module.

Example of sectors applying this system i.e: education, government, private institution.

E-Government & Support

  • Information Solution Application for government, i.e Web, one roof system which covers employees admin system.

Development, Integration & Training

Providing the application solution, developing and implementing and integrate it with other system according to customer needs including the training and developing.