Kami menawarkan berbagai layanan dan produk konsultasi TI dan Jaringan, terutama di Pasar Indonesia, semuanya dirancang untuk membantu perusahaan Anda mencapai potensinya. Apakah Anda sedang mencari tweak kecil atau perombakan total, kami siap membantu Anda. Layanan kami tersedia a la carte sehingga Anda bisa mendapatkan apa yang Anda butuhkan.

We offer a range of IT and Networks consulting services and products, especially here in Indonesian’s Market, all designed to help your company reach its potential. Whether you’re looking for a small tweak or complete overhaul, we have you covered. Our services are available a la carte so you can get precisely what you need.


Our core competences have link to our product partners with enrich the services through our experience and knowledge. There is some list or our competences have recognise by our customer:

  • Big Data Solution
  • Networking and Security Design and Implementation
  • IT Integration Service
  • Service Broker Application Development and Implementation
  • Service Oriented Architecture Deployment and Development
  • Data Warehouse Design and Deployment
  • Integrated Storage, Backup and Lifecycle Information